Set up a Form CTA


Learn how to create, configure, and place Form CTAs in your Hub.


Before you begin

  • To work with Form CTAs, you must be a member of the Account Administrator, Content Manager, or Demand Generation user groups.
  • This article describes how to set up Form CTAs specifically. If you want to learn about Link CTAs, see this article. If you want to learn about Uberflip CTAs generally, see this article.


About Form CTAs

Integration with Marketing Automation Platforms

The main purpose of a Form CTA is to collect information provided by your visitors — but before you can actually do anything with the collected data, you have to record it somewhere. Form CTAs are specifically designed to send the data they collect where you can actually use it: your Marketing Automation Platform (MAP).

For this reason, all Form CTAs must be connected to a map during setup. This deep integration is what makes Form CTAs such a powerful tool, because it eliminates any obstacles between collecting the data and actually leveraging it.

Since MAPs are integral to the way Form CTAs work, you will need to be using a supported MAP if you want to use Form CTAs. The following MAPs are currently supported:

Before creating a Form CTA, you should set up an Integration between your MAP and Uberflip. To learn more about integrating your MAP (or other apps) with Uberflip, see this article.


Any given Form CTA can only be connected to a single MAP. However, if you have multiple MAPs connected to your Hub, you can specify the MAP to be used individually for each CTA. As a result, you can have different Form CTAs connected to different MAPs if you want.

(Note that connecting multiple MAPs to your Hub is only available on Enterprise pack types.)

Form CTA Structure

As the name suggests, a Form CTA is basically a form: a collection of text fields used to enter data. However, to make Form CTAs more visually appealing, the full form is not initially displayed. To enable this, Form CTAs have multiple states, so that the appearance of the Tile changes as a visitor interacts with it. There are four states:

  • Default: This is how a Form CTA appears initially, with the Tile displaying simply the tagline and a single text input field (the first field configured in the form).

  • Focus: When a visitor interacts with the Form CTA by clicking on the first (visible) field, it will switch to the Focus state. In this state, the Tile will display the rest of the fields along with a Submit button, which slides up over the tagline. If there are more than four fields, a scrollbar will also appear, allowing visitors to scroll through all of the fields.

  • Error: If you have set a field as being required, and a visitor attempts to submit the form without filling out this field, the Form CTA will enter the Error state. In this state, the required fields that were not completed correctly will be highlighted in red.

  • Success: Provided all the fields have been filled out correctly, clicking on the Submit button (the button wording can be customized) will put the Form CTA into the Success state to confirm to the visitor that their information was submitted successfully.



Create a Form CTA

Begin by creating your new Form CTA. As part of creating a Form CTA, you will also choose the MAP you want it to integrate with.


Once you have set the MAP that is connected to a Form CTA, it is not possible to change it.

  1. Log in to Uberflip and click on Hubs to select the Hub you want to create the new Form CTA in.
  2. In the sidebar menu on the left, click on Calls-To-Action, then click on Form Calls-To-Action:
  3. On the Form Calls-to-Action page, click on the Build Form CTA button:
  4. In the Create Form CTA window, type a name for your new CTA into the text field, then use the dropdown menu to select the MAP you want to connect the Form CTA to:
  5. Click on Create CTA.
  6. If you selected a MAP for which you had not previously set up an Integration, you will now be prompted to connect to that MAP (e.g. by entering API credentials for your MAP):
  7. Once you have established the connection to the selected MAP (or if you previously set it up), your newly created Form CTA will automatically open in the Form CTA Editor, where you can set up options for the connected MAP, set up the CTA's layout and fields, customize its appearance, and select where in your Hub you want to place it.


Set up Form CTA MAP options

When you set up a Form CTA in the Form CTA Editor, the first section that is shown is the MAP Options section. You can also get here by clicking on the MAP name button directly:


This section is where you configure MAP-specific options for your Form CTA. For most MAPs, this primarily means selecting the list that new leads generated from the Form CTA will be added to.

For instructions for the MAP you're using, expand the correspond section below:


For Form CTAs connected to MailChimp, you'll be prompted to select a mailing list.

Selecting a MailChimp mailing list is required. Visitors who fill out the Form CTA will be added to the mailing list you chose.

Use the Select a Mailing List dropdown to choose a mailing list from your MailChimp account:


Once you make a selection, additional options will appear that allow you to enable and configure MailChimp's Follow feature:


If you check the box next to Enable Follow Feature, all members of the selected mailing list will be sent an email digest of content added to your Hub in the previous week. Use the Content to follow dropdown to limit the content in the digest to a specific Stream, and use the Weekly Schedule dropdowns to determine when the email will be sent.

When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.


For Form CTAs connected to HubSpot, you'll be prompted to select a HubSpot Smart List.

Selecting a HubSpot Smart List is optional. If you choose a Smart List, visitors who fill out the Form CTA will be added to the Smart List you chose. If you do not choose a Smart List, the incoming leads from the Form CTA will instead be added to your main HubSpot Contacts list.

Use the Select a HubSpot Smart List dropdown to choose a Smart List from your HubSpot account:


If you don't want to choose a Smart List, simply leave the dropdown set to No List.

When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.

Oracle Eloqua

For Form CTAs connected to Oracle Eloqua, you'll be prompted to choose an Eloqua Form.

Selecting an Eloqua Form is required. The Form CTA will automatically adopt the fields configured on the selected Eloqua Form. When a visitor fills out the Form CTA, the information they enter will automatically be passed the connected Eloqua Form. From there, you can set up Form Processing to create/update contact records in Eloqua using the data submitted from the Form CTA.

Note: Eloqua Forms

  • As a best practice, you should ensure that all fields on Eloqua Forms that you want to use with Form CTAs are set up as contact fields, as custom fields do not work with the Progressive Profiling feature.
  • Uberflip is not able to integrate with an Eloqua Form that contains label fields, or which contains an ampersand (&) in its name.
  • If you make any changes to an Eloqua Form that is connected to a Form CTA, you must disconnect and reconnect the Form CTA to update it.

If you know the Form ID of the Eloqua Form you want to use, type it into the field provided:


Tip: How to get an Eloqua Form ID

To get the Form ID for an Eloqua Form, bring up the Form you want to use in Eloqua and take a look at the URL.

At the end of the URL, you should see &id=###, where ### is a string of digits:


These digits are the Form's Form ID. You can type these into the Enter an Eloqua Form ID box to select this Form for your CTA.

If you don't know the Form ID, click on Pick a Form ID. This will display the Select an Eloqua Form dropdown, which will retrieve a list of all the Forms in your Eloqua account. Use this dropdown to select the Form you want to use:


(Note that, if you have a large number of Forms in Eloqua, this list can take a long time to load.)

When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.

Important Requirements for Oracle Eloqua Form CTAs

In order for your Form CTA to work properly with Oracle Eloqua, two requirements must be met:

  1. In Eloqua, you must create a Processing Step for the form, using Email Address as the field that uniquely identifies a contact. See this article for instructions.
  2. The Eloqua Form you select must not have Form Validation enabled on any field. This is very important, as enabling Form Validation will break the integration, causing your Form CTA to not work.

For Form CTAs connected to Marketo, you'll be prompted to select a Marketo List.

Selecting a Marketo List is optional. If you choose a Marketo List, visitors who fill out the Form CTA will be added to the List you chose. If you do not choose a Marketo List, the incoming leads from the Form CTA will instead be added to your main Leads list in Marketo.

Use the Marketo List dropdown to choose a List from your Marketo account:


If you don't want to choose a List, simply leave the dropdown set to No List.

When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.


Make sure that the list you choose is not a Marketo Smart List, as these can't be used with Form CTAs.



For Form CTAs connected to Pardot, you'll be prompted to select a Pardot List.

Selecting a Pardot List is optional. If you choose a Pardot List, visitors who fill out the Form CTA will be added to the List you chose. If you do not choose a Pardot List, the incoming leads from the Form CTA will instead be added to your main Prospects list in Pardot.

Use the Select a List dropdown to choose a List from your Pardot account:


If you don't want to choose a List, simply leave the dropdown set to No List.

When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.


Set up the layout and fields of a Form CTA

The Layout section of the Form CTA Editor is where you set up the basic structure of the Form CTA, including its tagline, and the form fields that appear on it.

You can get here by clicking the Next button from the Map Options section, or by clicking on the Layout button directly:




The Layout page consists of three sections:

Information section

Contains settings related to the general structure and behavior of the Form CTA:

On Success section

Contains settings related to the Success state of the Form CTA (which is shown when it has been successfully submitted by a visitor).

Preview CTA section

Displays a preview of the Form CTA in its three customizable states: Default, Focus, and Success. Use the buttons below the preview tile to switch between the different states:


Any changes you make to settings in the Information and On Success sections are saved automatically, and are shown live in the Preview section.


Use the Tagline/Copy field to type in the tagline you want to use. This is the main copy that invites the visitor to click the link.


  • Your tagline can be a maximum of 150 characters long.
  • The tagline is displayed only in the Default state.
  • The default font size is set for taglines approx. 80-100 characters long. Longer taglines will run off the Tile (as shown in the preview), but you can adjust the font size in the Design section (see below).
  • You can also use HTML tags like <b> (bold) and <i> (italics) to style your text. Add line breaks with <br> tags if you want to customize the position of the text. Keep in mind that HTML tags will count towards the character limit.


Check the box below Opt-in if you want to add an opt-in checkbox to the end of the form. Visitors can use this checkbox to consent to receive future emails from you.


  • The default label for this checkbox is Opt-in To Future Emails. To modify this label, type your preferred wording into the text field.
  • There is no character limit on the length of the label.
  • This checkbox is displayed below all form fields in the Focus state.

Form Fields

Check the boxes next to each form field that you want to add to the Form CTA.


  • There are four default form fields: Email, First Name, Last Name, and Company Name.
  • The form fields are displayed in the Focus state.
  • The Email field is mandatory, and can't be hidden (unchecked). All other form fields can be hidden from the CTA by leaving their boxes unchecked.
  • Click on Manage to customize your form fields: you can rename, reorder, and add/remove form fields. For help with managing form fields, see this article.

Progressive Profiling

Check the box next to Show a maximum of ____ fields to enable the Progressive Profiling feature for the Form CTA. Use the field to type in the maximum number of form fields you want to display during each visitor's session.



Progressive Profiling is an option that allows you to display only a specified subset of all the form fields configured on a Form CTA. Once a visitor fills these out, they will then be shown another subset of form fields during their next session, and so on. This allows you to progressively collect a potentially large amount of information without overloading visitors during any single Form CTA interaction.

To learn more about Progressive Profiling and how to use it, see this article.

Button label

Type the text that you want to appear on the button into the Button label field. This represents the action to submit the data entered into the form fields, but can also be used to represent the "action" that the tagline calls for (e.g. "Book a demo").


  • The default label for the button is Submit.
  • The button is displayed below all form fields and checkboxes in the Focus state.
  • Your button label can be a maximum of 18 characters long.
  • You can also use HTML tags like <b> (bold) and <i> (italics) to style your text.

Success Message

Use the Success Message field to type in the post-submission message you want to use. This message appears in the Success State, which is displayed when a visitor successfully submits the Form CTA.


  • The default text for the Success Message is Thank you!.
  • The Success Message is displayed in the Success state, below a graphic of a checkmark.
  • The message is not displayed when the Form CTA is used to gate an Item.
  • Your Success Message can be a maximum of 40 characters long.

Link to Content

Check the Link to Content box if you want to add a button link to the Success state. Type the URL of the link into the Link Destination box, or use the Find Item button to insert a link to an Item from your Hub. Type a label for the button into the Link Button label field.


  • The Link to Content button is displayed on the Success state.
  • The default text for the Link Button label is Enjoy
  • Your Link Button label can be a maximum of 18 characters long.

Never hide this CTA

Once a visitor submits a Form CTA, the default behavior is to hide it from that visitor. In some cases, you might want to keep the CTA visible to known visitors who have already submitted it. In this case, check the box next to Never hide this CTA.


You can then choose between two options for what will be shown to visitors who have submitted the CTA:

  • Show primary fields: Displays the form fields (i.e. Focus state).
  • Show success message: Displays the Success Message (i.e. Success state), along with the Link to Content (if configured).

Fire G.A. Event

If you have Google Analytics integrated with your Hub, an additional Fire G.A. Event option will appear (this option is otherwise hidden). Check the box for this option if you want an event to be recorded in Google Analytics each time the Form CTA is submitted.


Google Analytics events have an Event Name and 2 parameters: event_category and event_label. When you enable this option, the event that is recorded will have the following values for these parameters:

  • Event Name: Form submit
  • event_category: Uberflip CTA
  • event_label: Uberflip-CTA-XXXXXX Success (where XXXXX is the unique ID of the Form CTA)

To make use of the event in Google Analytics (GA4), you'll need to set up a custom Dimension in your Google Analytics account. Check out this Google article to see how that's done.

Use Pardot Form Handler

If the Form CTA is connected to Pardot, you will see an additional Use Pardot Form Handler option. Check the box beside this option to enable it if you want to use a Form Handler with this Form CTA. When you enable this option, a text field will appear: here, paste in the URL of the Form Handler you want to use.



When you enable this option, you must also enable the Never hide this CTA option at the same time. This is because a Form Handler is fired only when a visitor submits a Form CTA, so if a Form CTA is hidden (because a known visitor is already fully profiled), the Form Handler can't be fired. 

Given this restriction, keep in mind that using Form Handlers means that visitors may be asked to submit the same Form CTA multiple times.

When you have finished configuring the structure of your Form CTA, click on Next to proceed.


Style a Form CTA

In the Design section of the Form CTA Editor, you can style your CTA by selecting colors and font size, and (optionally) setting a background image.

You can get here by clicking the Next button from the Layout section, or by clicking on the Design button directly:



You can set colors for four separate elements:

  1. Font color: The text color for the tagline (Default state), form field labels (Focus state) and Success Message (Success state)
  2. Background color: The color used for the background of the CTA Tile across all states
  3. Button font color: The color of the button text for the Submit button (Focus state) and the Link to Content button (Success state)
  4. Button background color: The color of the button body for the Submit button (Focus state) and the Link to Content button (Success state)

Use the dropdown for each color option to choose a color from a list of presets, using the color picker, or by entering a hex code.


Tagline Font Size

Use the Tagline/Copy Font Size slider to adjust the size of the tagline font. The text will re-flow automatically based on your selection. If your tagline is very long, your text may "slide off" the Default state of the Tile (or under the visible form field) with the default font size:


To fix this, try moving the slider to the left until all the text is visible:



When the the tagline is re-flowed to adjust for different font sizes, long words will not be broken up across lines (hyphenated), so individual lines can be different lengths. Although the maximum character limit for taglines is 150, the practical limit may be lower if you use longer words, because they cannot be broken up across lines as efficiently. In other words, some very long taglines may still "slide under" the button even at the lowest font size setting.

Only the tagline font size can be changed: the button label, form field label and Success Message fonts are a fixed size, and can't be adjusted.

Background Image

If you want, you can use a background image instead of a solid background color. Background images should be 330 pixels high by 250 pixels wide, and should be in JPEG format.

To set a background image, click on the Upload button and choose an image to use.

On the next window that appears, use the slider to adjust the crop of your background image (the white outline represents the part that will be visible within the Tile):


When you're finished, click on Save to apply your background image.


The background image you set will override the Background color setting for only the Default state. The Focus/Error and Success states will still use the Background color:


When you're ready to proceed, click on Next.


Place a Form CTA

In the Placements section of the CTA Editor, you can specify rules that define where in your Hub the Form CTA will be shown. You can get here by clicking the Next button from the Design section, or by clicking on the Placements button directly:


Create a placement to specify a particular Stream that the CTA will appear in, along with the location within that Stream and whether the CTA appears just once, or multiple times.

Every individual placement is specific to a Stream. You can create as many placements for a CTA as you like, but you can only create one placement per Stream.

  1. To add a new placement, click on the +Add New Placement button:
  2. Use the dropdown menu to select the Stream where you want to place the CTA, then click on +Add:
  3. You'll be returned to the Form CTA Editor, where the new placement will be shown. Here, you can choose to place the CTA At Stream Level, At Item Level, or both.
At Stream Level At Item Level Both

Form CTAs will be placed at Stream level by default, as indicated by the checkmark next to Will appear after Item ___:

  • Use the + and - buttons to specify where the CTA will appear in relation to the other Items in the Stream. The graphic to the right shows how this placement works:

  • You can also check the box next to Repeat after every if you want the CTA to appear repeatedly in the Stream. Use the + and - buttons to specify how many Items should appear between each appearance of the CTA.

Keep adding placements with the +Add New Placement button as needed. If you want to delete a placement, click on the Delete button next to it:


Once you have created your Link CTA placements, you're all set: the placements will become active immediately.


Next Steps

When you have completed the basic setup of a Form CTA, there are also a number of additional actions and options available. To learn more, see the articles below:

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