Sales Assist: Create your own content and templates


In this article, we'll look at how you can create your own content Items and templates in Sales Assist.

Create and manage your own Items

You can create your own content Items directly within Sales Assist. This is useful for bringing documents you've created outside of Uberflip into Sales Assist, such as slide decks, spreadsheets, etc., or other one-off documents you've created especially for certain prospects. Unlike Items from your organization's content library, Items you create are available only to you.


This feature is great for bringing in pricing sheets — especially in combination with the passphrase protect feature.

Depending on the content you're working with, you have two options when creating your own Items:

  • Embed (iframe) the content
  • Display a link to open the content in a new tab

Embed the content

If the content you want to share is allowed to be embedded, you can simply enter the URL where the content is hosted (e.g. a Google Docs URL), and Sales Assist will display that content within the Item.
You can embed almost any content that is hosted on the web and which is allowed to be embedded (not all content can be displayed in an iframe):

  • URLs that end with a supported Office Document filetype extension (.doc/.docx/.ppt/.pptx/.xls/.xlsx) will be displayed using the Office Web Viewer
  • URLs ending with .pdf will be displayed using the Google PDF Viewer
  • URLs to Google Docs file (including Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) will be displayed using the relevant Google viewer for that file type

Embedding Dropbox files?

Due to Dropbox restrictions, Sales Assist can't display content hosted on Dropbox by default. If you want to bring in content from Dropbox, your Sales Assist admin must complete additional setup steps.

Display a Link

Some content can't be embedded, such as Zoom or Gong recordings. In these cases you have the option of displaying a placeholder within your Item instead, with a button that opens the content in a new tab:
Using this option allows you to "embed" any kind of content in your Items, even if that content does not allow embedding.

To create and manage your own Items, follow these instructions:

Create an Item

You can create your own Items, which you can share directly or add to DSRs like any other Item in Sales Assist.

  1. Click Search in the navigation menu
  2. Below the search box, click on the My Items button
  3. Click Create an Item 

  4. In the modal that opens, paste the URL of your content into the Embed URL field 
    Click the upload (cloud) icon, to upload a file from your device

    • Sales Assist will attempt to get an appropriate title, description, and thumbnail image for your content from the metadata of the URL you provided. If it can find these details, it will automatically prefill the relevant fields for you.
  5. Optional settings:
    • If the content can't be embedded (e.g. because the website prevents embedding of their content), toggle on the  Display Link instead of iFrame option to display a link to the content instead.
    • Toggle on the Show download/edit buttons option to make this file downloadable or editable (i.e. a Google Sheet) by your prospects
  6. If needed, complete (or edit) the Title and Description fields
  7. If you want to change the thumbnail image (or set one, if none was found) for your Item, either:
    • Enter the URL of the image you want to use (the URL must end in an image extension, like .jpg, .png, etc.), or
    • Click on an image in the image library created by your Sales Assist admin, to use it for your Item:
  8. Optionally, you can also add some additional text that will be displayed below the embedded content. To do so, click on Add Context for Prospect, then type your text into the field that appears.
  9. Click Create 

That's it! You'll be returned to the My Items view in the Search section, where you'll see your new Item listed
From here, you can view details and a preview of your new Item, add it to a DSR, or share it directly — just like any other content Item.

Edit or delete your Items

You can modify or delete Items you have created at any time.

  1. Click on Search in the navigation menu.
  2. Below the search field, click on My Items.
  3. Find the Item you want to edit or delete in the list and hover your mouse over it.
  4. Click on the Edit button:
  5. The Edit Your Item window will open:
    1. To edit the Item: Use the fields to make any changes, then click on the Edit Item button to save your changes.
    2. To delete the Item: Click on the delete (trash) button in the lower left corner. After confirming that you want to continue, your Item will be deleted immediately (removing it from any DSRs you had placed it in).


Create your own templates


The primary account owner is not able to create templates using the steps below. The primary user (and all admin users) can create and manage templates in the Admin section of Sales Assist, under the Templates tab.

In addition to the system templates that are created by your Sales Assist admins, you can also create personal templates to style your DSRs. Unlike system templates, personal templates are available only to you.

To create and manage personal templates, follow these instructions:

Create and customize a personal template

You can create your own personal templates, which you can use just like system templates in Sales Assist.

  1. Click + New in the main navigation bar
  2. In the Create a New Digital Sales Room form, skip directly to the template dropdown and choose the option + Create New Template:
  3. The Create a Template modal will appear. Enter a name for your template, then click Create New Template
  4. In the Manage Template page that opens, you can edit your template. This is done the same way you'd customize a DSR.

    • Details tab: Edit the basic details and appearance, and add a gate or passphrase to the template. These settings will apply to all DSRs made using this template. 

    • Content tab: Add content Items to be added to all DSRs made using this template. 

  5. Any changes you make on this page will be saved automatically, so you can simply exit this page at any time (by navigating to another part of the app).

That's it! Once created, your templates will appear as an option when creating or editing a DSR.


If you'd like to use the "Default" Stream appearance, instead of the Banner+Logo option, you can change this setting on the Stream in Uberflip after the template has been created.

Edit or delete a personal template

You can modify or delete your personal templates at any time.

  1. Click Rooms (target icon) in the main navigation
  2. The Your Rooms page will list your personal templates alongside your DSRs, marked with a Template (paint drop) icon:
  3. Hover your mouse over the template you want to manage, then click on the Edit button:
  4. The Manage Template window will open. Here you can:
    • Edit the template:
      Click the Details tab, and use the fields and tabs to make changes. Any changes you make are saved automatically.
    • Add Items:
      Click the Items tab, then click Add Items. Add the Items to your basket, then click Current Template.
    • Remove Items:
      In the Items tab, hover your mouse over the Item, then click Remove.
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