Add custom URL paths (vanity URLs) to Items


Learn how to create additional custom URL paths (also known as "vanity URLs") for your Items.


This article outlines how to add vanity URLs to Items. Looking to add vanity URLs to Streams? Check out: Add custom URL paths (vanity URLs) to Streams


Before you begin

  • By default, members of the Account Administrators or Content Managers user groups can add custom URLs to Items. The following permissions control the ability to add custom URLs: View Hubs > Manage Items & Hub Settings


About custom URL paths ("vanity URLs")

When you create a new Stream or Item in your Hub, Uberflip automatically creates a URL for the resulting page. This URL will consist of your Hub's base URL, followed by a URL path formed from the Stream or Item's title. For example, Uberflip's own Hub has a Stream with the title Newsroom Articles, so the resulting URL is:

Within that Stream, we've added an Item with the title Uberflip launches content experience certifications to help marketers master the acceleration of pipeline and revenue from demand programs, so the full URL for that page is:

As you can see, the default URL for an Item like this is incredibly long. In cases where you don't have enough space for a URL this long (or if you simply want a shorter, snappier URL), you can add a custom URL path and use that instead.

Custom URL paths, or "vanity URLs", allow you to add alternative valid URLs to Streams or Items by specifying a new URL path of your choice. For instance, say we wanted to shorten the URL of the Item above. All we need to do is add a new URL path for, say, /content-experience-certifications, and we get a new URL that points to the same Item like this:

Custom URL paths don't replace the default URL for a Stream or Item — they're simply added on as another way to get to the same page, so the original URL (and all links to it) continues to work.

Add a custom URL path to an Item

You can add custom URL paths to any type of Item. You can add as many custom URL paths as needed — however, all custom URL paths must be unique (two Items cannot share the same URL path).

  1. Log in to and use the Hubs menu to select the Hub you want to work with.
  2. Click on Content in the sidebar menu.
  3. Click on the Items tab on the right.
  4. Find the Item for which you want to add a custom URL path and click on the Item to open it in the Item Editor.
  5. While viewing the Item in the Item Editor, click on the Metadata tab.
  6. Find the URL Path field:
  7. Enter the new URL path you want to add into the field, then press Enter (or click anywhere outside the field). Your new URL path will be added and will be active immediately. In addition, the previous URL path will appear underneath the field and will also remain active:
  8. All URL paths that are listed both in and below the URL Path field are currently active, and can be used to access this Item. You can also remove a previous URL path (including the original default URL path) by clicking on the x beside it, which will remove it and deactivate it immediately:


Additional notes

  • The most recently added URL path for Items will appear in the URL Path field, and will be the primary URL path. For Stream URL paths, any Items within the Stream will use the primary Stream URL path as part of their own URL.
  • Whenever you add a custom URL path, a 301 redirect will automatically be created that points all requests for the old URL path to the new primary URL path (additional redirects will be created for each previous URL path that exists).
  • A canonical URL will be created that designates the current primary URL path as the canonical. If the Item already has a canonical URL, it will not be changed, and likewise if you manually add a canonical URL to the Item later, this will override the primary URL path as the canonical.
  • Page metrics in both Uberflip Analytics and Google Analytics should not be affected by adding a custom URL path.
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