Need to remove visitor Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from your Uberflip account? You can do this in the Data Controls page of Uberflip.
Deleting PII data from Uberflip is an account wide action. Specified data will be removed from all Hubs. Deletion is permanent and cannot be stopped or undone once started.
In Uberflip, you have two options for deleting PII:
- Delete PII for a specific visitor based on their UUID
- Delete PII for all visitors, to all Hubs, from your Uberflip account
Both options are permanent and can’t be undone once started.
Data deletion may take up to 4 hours to be completed once confirmed within your account.
Delete a specific visitor’s PII
Delete PII for a specific visitor based on their UUID.
- In Uberflip, click Analytics in the topbar menu
- In the sidebar menu, click Analytics Settings > Data Controls
- Under Delete Visitor Personally Identifiable Information, enter the visitors UUID
- Beside the text field, click Delete Data
- Check the box labeled Yes, I’m sure
- Click Delete Visitor Data
Delete all visitor PII
Delete PII for all visitors, to all Hubs, from your Uberflip account
- In Uberflip, click Analytics in the topbar menu
- In the sidebar menu, click Analytics Settings > Data Controls
- Under Delete All Personally Identifiable Information Data, click Delete Data
- Check the box labeled Yes, I’m sure
- Click Delete All Data