Stream functionality options explained


Uberflip Streams have a number of options that help control functionality and appearance. Depending on the type of Stream, you have access to a few different options. This article outlines these options and how to turn them on or off. 

Turn Stream options on or off 

  1. Navigate to the Hub the Stream is in
  2. In the sidebar menu, click Content 
  3. On the Streams tab, find the Stream or DSR you want to manage and click on it
  4. Click the Options tab
  5. Toggle options (outlined below) on or off as desired


Turning options on or off does so at the Stream level only.

Stream options explained


What it does:

Available for Stream types: 

Allow Inline Formatting Allows style and font tags as well as tag style attributes to be imported with this Stream Blogs
Auto redirect to Item's Canonical URL When enabled, Items in this Stream will 301 redirect to their respective original location (if one exists)
Automatically create and apply tags from RSS to items When enabled, any categories in the RSS will be created as tags and applied to items Blogs
Disable auto playback Enable this option if you wish to avoid auto playback when the video loads
Video, Docs, DSR, Marketing
Disable Video CTAs If you have Slide-out CTAs in your Vidyard Players, we recommend this option to ensure videos size properly. Consider using Hub CTAs instead Marketing
Display Flipbooks with HTML5 When enabled, Flipbooks opened from this stream will be displayed using HTML5 instead of Flash Docs, DSR, Marketing 
Enable Author Matching Automatically match blog author with existing profiles Blogs
Enable Canonical Meta Tag Add a meta tag to tell search engines to only index this item in its original Stream
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing, Social
Enable Preview Mode When enabled, the Items in this Stream will be shortened and displayed with a 'Continue Reading' button
Exclude from overall search results When enabled, all Items within the Stream will be excluded from the search results
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing
Exclude this Stream from the 'Latest Content' feed on your Hub The Items in this Stream will not appear in 'Latest Content' or RSS feeds
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing, Social
Fake Links in Social Tiles When enabled, any links within your social tiles will NOT be clickable, forcing users to view the Item first DSR, Marketing, Social
Feature Items within the Stream When enabled, all featured stream items will be honored (pushed to the top and decorated) in a stream view
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing
For Blog Articles, show 'read more' link to original source When enabled, a 'read more' link displays at the bottom of the Article being read Blogs, DSR, Marketing 
Force Self-Canonical URL When enabled, all items within this stream will have a canonical meta tag that points at it's current location, ignoring the value set in the SEO tab
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing, Social
Hide Publish Date When enabled the publish date will be hidden on all items in this stream
List View Display Items in this Stream as a List instead of Tiles. When enabled, share buttons and Stream level CTAs will not display
No Robots Meta Tag Prevent search engines from indexing this Stream. If the Hub option of the same name is enabled, it will take precedence over your setting here
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing, Social
Open Flipbooks in 'Expanded' Mode When enabled, Flipbooks opened from this stream will automatically fill the browser window Docs, DSR, Marketing
Pause automatic updating of this Stream When enabled, new content at the source will not automatically import into this Stream. Manually updating the Stream will still be available
Video, Blogs, Social 
Pin in Extensions When checked, the Stream will be pinned as a tab in the Uberflip Chrome and Outlook extensions
Video, Docs, Blogs, Marketing, Social
Prevent using small images as thumbnails If enabled, only images of minimum size 180x100 will display in the tiles for this Stream Blogs
Share Item's Original Location Concerned about split share counts? When enabled, Items displaying in a Marketing Stream will have all share links reference the Item's original Stream Marketing
Show buttons to Download PDF and Expand Flipbook When enabled, 2 large buttons will display underneath a non-expanded Flipbook.
Note that this option will override the Flipbook's Folder settings
Docs, DSR, Marketing
Show in Extensions When enabled, the Stream will be shown in the Uberflip Chrome and Outlook extensions, and users will able to generate tiles linking to the Stream's Items All


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