Learn how you can create additional environments in Sales Assist to customize the Sales Assist experience for different user groups.
Before you begin
- To add Sales Assist environments, you need to be an Admin User in Sales Assist.
- Before you can add further Sales Assist environments, you must first create your default environment by installing the Sales Assist app and completing the registration process, as described here.
About Sales Assist environments
The way you set up your Sales Assist environment defines how your Sales Users experience the app. By default, you'll set up a single environment, which means that all of your Sales Users will experience the app the same way: they will all have access to the same templates, tag groups, and image library.
If that one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for your organization, you can also create additional environments. Each environment in Sales Assist is specific to a particular user group, and has its own distinct settings, which allows you to customize Sales Assist for each user group's unique needs.
Creating additional Sales Assist environments is useful if you:
- Have multiple groups of Sales Assist users with differing needs: If your organization has separate Sales teams that focus on particular product lines, verticals, etc., then each of those groups will have different needs when it comes to templates, finding content, and imagery. By setting up separate environments, you can provide each group with a streamlined Sales Assist experience that is tailored to their needs.
- Have multiple Hubs: Each Sales Assist environment is associated with a single Hub, so if you have multiple Hubs, you can create additional environments for each Hub that you want to use with Sales Assist. This is especially useful if you use language Hubs, as it allows you to create separate Sales Assist experiences for your Sales Users who work in a particular language or region.
In this article, we'll cover what you need to know about Sales Assist environments, and how to create additional environments in your Sales Assist account.
How Sales Assist environments work
You create your default Sales Assist environment as part of the initial registration process. This default environment is called the All Users environment, as it applies to all users in your Uberflip account who have access to Sales Assist. It is linked to a specific Hub, which you select during the registration process.
On top of the default All Users environment, you can also choose to create additional environments. Environments in Sales Assist are fully independent of one another, with their own configurations. When you set up an additional environment, you can:
- Choose the Hub it is linked to: This determines where the users of the environment will create their Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs), as well as the templates they can use. You can have multiple environments linked to the same Hub, separate environments for different Hubs, or both. Note that no matter which Hub an environment is linked to, users assigned to that environment will have access to content from all Hubs in your Uberflip account (provided the content lives in a Stream where the "Show in Extension" setting is turned on).
- Create a unique environment setup: The tag groups, image library, and other settings are unique to each environment, so you can create setups that are tuned to the needs of a specific group of users.
Additional environments are user group-specific. This means that a Sales User's experience in Sales Assist is determined by their user group in Uberflip: if they belong to a user group with a specific Sales Assist environment, they will see that environment. Any user who does not belong to a user group that has a specific environment will see the default All Users environment.
Admin Users can switch between Sales Assist environments to configure them. Sales Users can only access one environment, as determined by their user group, and are not able to switch.
Sales Users must only belong to one user group with regard to Sales Assist. This is because:
- A Sales User's user group determines the Sales Assist environment they can access
- Sales Users can't switch between environments
Note that Sales Users can still belong to multiple user groups, provided only one of those user groups is tied to an environment in Sales Assist. For example, if a Sales User belongs to both User Group A and User Group B, but you have only set up a Sales Assist environment for User Group A, then it does not matter that they are also in User Group B with regard to Sales Assist.
In case of a conflict (i.e. when a Sales User belongs to two or more user groups that are tied to Sales Assist environments), Sales Assist will use the environment associated with the first user group that the Sales User belongs to (based on its unique user group ID). Because this is unpredictable, we strongly recommend you ensure Sales Users only belong to one user group that is associated with a Sales Assist environment, and resolve any conflicts accordingly.
Create a new Sales Assist environment
You can create as many Sales Assist environments as you need. Each environment must be tied to a specified user group, and no user group can be associated with more than one Sales Assist environment.
- Log in to Sales Assist as an Admin User and click on Admin.
- In the Admin section, click on All Users in the top right:
- Click on +Add a User Group:
- Use the dropdown menu to select the user group for which you want to create a new Sales Assist environment:
- The dropdown will list all available user groups in the connected Uberflip account (both default and custom) except user groups that are already associated with an environment.
- Click on Add User Group.
- Use the dropdown menu to select the Hub that you want to link this environment to:
- Click on Select Hub.
- Your new environment will be created, and you'll be taken to Admin section with the new environment selected (as indicated by the dropdown in the top right):
- When the environment is created, Sales Assist will also create a new special Blog Stream (to house Sales User-created content Items) which is specific to the new environment (and the Hub to which it is linked).
- Now, simply use the Admin section to set up the environment as needed. When users belonging to the associated user group next log in to Sales Assist, they will see the experience that you have configured for their environment.
All Sales Assist environments are independent of one another, and settings made in one environment will not have any effect on any other environment. Likewise, settings can't be mirrored or copied between environments — they must be set up individually.
Manage Sales Assist environments
After you have created additional Sales Assist environments, you can easily manage them by simply switching between them in the Admin section.
- Log in to Sales Assist as an Admin User and click on Admin.
- Use the dropdown in the top right to select the environment you want to work with:
- Configure settings as needed. Remember that settings you configure or change in the Admin section, including any tag groups and images, will apply only to the selected environment.
- Templates are an exception: templates are created at the Hub level, so all environments belonging to the same Hub will have access to the same set of templates.
Whenever you log in to Sales Assist as an Admin User, the All Users (default) environment will always be selected by default.
Delete an environment
If an environment is no longer needed, you can delete it at any time. You can delete any existing environment except the default All Users environment.
What happens when I delete an environment?
- All Sales Users who belong to the user group associated with the environment will revert to the default All Users environment.
- Any tag groups, and assignments of tags to tag groups, will be deleted from Sales Assist. However, the tags themselves will not be deleted from your Uberflip account or the Items they are attached to.
- The image library (if present) will be deleted from Sales Assist. However, any images imported into the image library from your Uberflip Image Manager will not be deleted from the Image Manager.
- The special Blog Stream (which contains Items created by Sales Users in the deleted Sales Assist environment only) will be archived in the Uberflip Hub where it was created. If needed, you can recover this Blog Stream; however, note that Items created in it can't be transferred to/used as "My Items" in other Sales Assist environments.
- Log in to Sales Assist as an Admin User and click on Admin.
- Use the dropdown in the top right to select the environment you want to delete.
- Click on the delete (trash can) button beside the dropdown:
- Read the confirmation message to understand what will happen as a result of deleting the selected environment. If you are certain you want to proceed, click on Confirm:
- The selected environment will be deleted immediately, and you will see a confirmation message. After deleting an environment, you will be returned to the Admin section for the All Users (default) environment.