Sales Assist: Configure engagement notifications


Learn how to configure Sales Assist engagement notifications to enable enriched notifications, and how to disable tracking and notifications on Hubs where you don't use Sales Assist.


Before you begin

  • To configure Sales Assist notifications settings, you need to be a member of the Account Administrators or Content Managers user groups.
  • To configure these settings, the Sales Assist Marketplace app must be installed in your Hub.
  • You must configure these settings at the Hub level, in the same Hub where you use Sales Assist.


About Sales Assist engagement notifications

When a Sales Assist user shares a link through the app, Sales Assist will notify that user anytime someone visits their link.

By default, Sales Assist sends basic notifications. These simply indicate that someone viewed content that the user shared, along with that visitor's IP-based location, but do not contain any other information about the visitor:


Sales Assist can also send MAP-enriched notifications if you have integrated the Hub in which you use Sales Assist with a supported Marketing Automation Platform. As long as the visitor has been profiled in your MAP, Sales Assist will incorporate identifying information from their MAP profile into the notification:


If the visitor's email is known, but not their name, that email will be shown in the notification.

In addition to MAP-enriched notifications (or as an alternative option), you can also configure a backup enrichment source. This allows Sales Assist to still display enriched notifications with less detail in cases where the visitor is not profiled in your MAP (or if you have not turned on MAP-enriched notifications):


Lastly, you can also configure Sales Assist to disable the engagement tracking script in Hubs where you don't use Sales Assist.


Configure Sales Assist notifications settings

To configure Sales Assist notifications settings, open the Sales Assist Marketplace app settings page.

  1. Log in to your Uberflip account.
  2. Iin the top menu bar, hover your mouse over Marketplace, then click on Installed Apps.
  3. In the list of installed apps, hover your mouse over Sales Assist.
  4. Click on the Edit (pencil) button on the right to open the app settings page:


  5. With the app settings page open, you can enable MAP-enriched notifications, configure a backup enrichment source, or disable notifications.


Enable MAP-enriched notifications

If you want to use MAP-enriched notifications, the following requirements apply:

  • The Hub in which you use Sales Assist must be integrated with a supported MAP (any one of Oracle Eloqua, Marketo, Pardot, or HubSpot), and
  • The same Hub must have at least one Form CTA connected to that MAP

When MAP-enriched notifications are turned on, Sales Assist will check if any visitor to a share has been profiled in your MAP. If a profile exists, Sales Assist will incorporate data from that profile into the corresponding engagement notification, including their first and last name, email, and company (if available). Additionally, Sales Assist will display the visitor's avatar image from Gravatar (if available), or the visitor's first initial (as a backup).

To enable MAP-enriched notifications:

  1. Log in to Uberflip and navigate to the Hub which you are using with Sales Assist.
  2. In the sidebar, click on Calls-to-Action.
  3. Scroll down to Form CTAs and select a Form CTA to use:
    • Sales Assist will use this Form CTA to understad which MAP you're using, and which fields contain the information it needs to enrich notifications.
    • You can select any Form CTA connected to your MAP fo this purpose
    • The Form CTA can include any set of fields, but should at minimum contain first name, last name, email, and company fields in order for Sales Assist to be able to include all of these details in enriched notifications.
  4. When you have selected the Form CTA you want to use, hover your mouse over its tile to see more information about the CTA. Make a note of the CTA ID that appears at the bottom of the tile:
  5. Exit the CTA section and open the Sales Assist Marketplace app settings page.
  6. Ensure the Enable Tracking & Notifications setting is turned on (it should be on by default).
  7. Find the CTA ID field, and enter the CTA ID of the CTA you selected earlier:
  8. Your settings will be saved automatically, and Sales Assist will begin enriching notifications with data from your MAP where available.


Configure a backup enrichment source

If you have integrated your Hub with Bombora, or if you have a 6Sense or Demandbase subscription, you can configure any of these services as a source of backup information in case a visitor is not known to your MAP.

When you enable a backup enrichment source, Sales Assist will send enriched notifications that incorporate visitor information from the selected service (if available for the visitor). These notifications will not identify the specific visitor, but will display their company name (if it can be identified from their IP address).


You can set up a backup enrichment source even if you have not set up MAP-enriched notifications. This is useful if you don't use a supported MAP, but still want to more detailed notifications.

To configure a backup enrichment source:

Using Bombora Using 6Sense or Demandbase

If your Hub is integrated with Bombora, you can use Bombora as a backup enrichment source for Sales Assist notifications:

  1. Ensure that your Hub is integrated with Bombora.
  2. Log in to Uberflip and navigate to the Hub which you are using with Sales Assist.
  3. Open the Sales Assist Marketplace app settings page.
  4. Ensure the Enable Tracking & Notifications setting is turned on (it should be on by default).
  5. Using the Data Source dropdown, select the Bombora option:image.png
  6. Your settings will be saved automatically, and Sales Assist will begin enriching notifications with Bombora data where available.


Disable tracking and notifications

Sales Assist can only be used with a single specified Hub, but Sales Assist's tracking and notifications script will load on all Hubs within your account by default. If you want, you can disable Sales Assist tracking and notifications on Hub where you are not using Sales Assist, in order to prevent the script from loading unnecessarily on those Hubs.

  1. Log in to Uberflip and navigate to a Hub which you are NOT using with Sales Assist.
  2. Open the Sales Assist Marketplace app settings page.
  3. Click the toggle under Enable Tracking & Notifications to turn it to the off position:
  4. Your settings will be saved automatically, and the Sales Assist tracking and notifications script will no longer load on this Hub.


Make sure to always keep this setting turned ON in the Hub where you're using Sales Assist! If you turn this setting off in the Sales Assist Hub, this will break basic app functionality.

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