What changes cause an imported blog post to be disconnected from the original post?



If I edit an Uberflip blog post that was imported from an external RSS feed, this will break the connection between the Uberflip version of the post and original external post, and as a result the Uberflip blog post will no longer update if I change the external post.

What specific changes will break the connection, and are there any changes that will not break it?



In general, most of the things you can change on an Uberflip blog Item will change the GUID of that Item and break the connection to the original (external) blog post. However, there are also some changes that will not affect the GUID, and which you can therefore make without disconnecting the Item from the blog post.

These breaking and non-breaking changes are outlined below:

Breaking Changes

While in the Edit Article view for an Item, changing any of the following will break the connection to the original blog post:

All tabs

  • Title field

Editor tab

  • Any change (i.e. changes to the article body text)

Metadata tab

  • Description field
  • Thumbnail URL field
  • Author dropdown
  • Status dropdown
  • Publish Date field
  • Hide Publish Date checkbox

SEO tab

  • Canonical URL field
  • SEO Title field
  • SEO Description field

Custom Code tab

  • Any change (i.e. adding/removing/modifying Custom Code)


Non-Breaking Changes

While in the Edit Article view for an Item, changing any of the following will NOT break the connection to the original blog post:

Metadata tab

  • URL Path field

Tags tab

  • Any change (i.e. adding/removing tags)

SEO tab

  • Auto redirect to Item's Canonical URL checkbox

Custom Labels tab

  • Any change (i.e. adding/removing/modifying Custom Labels)
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