Session (Analytics > Engagement)


General Info

What it is

Sessions engagement metrics capture KPIs for a single viewing period for a visitor.

A session is based on a short-lived  60 minute cookie, which renewed based on last activity.  A user can navigate away from a page/or background a tab and as long as they return within an hour then that will be considered as the same session.

Includes these data points
  • Avg. Session Duration
  • Avg. Session Duration Formatted
  • Count Sessions
  • Items Per Session
  • Pages Per Session
Collection Start

July 2019 Started collecting view 
December 2019 - Started collection Duration information


Understand key information about sessions, both how many there were and also what those sessions entailed.

Google Analytics Equivalent Google does track sessions.

Session duration is not very accurate in Google Analytics, as it is based strictly on the time stamp of page views.    


Avg. Session Duration

Data Type: Calculated

Description:  The Average length of user sessions, which is visualized in "mm:ss" format but exported as just "ss" format to allow for easy calculations.  The session duration is a sum of all active time viewing, which means if a tab is backgrounded then it does not count in the session duration.


Avg. Session Duration (Formatted)

Data Type: Calculated

Description:  The Average length of user sessions, which is visualized in "mm:ss" and exported as the same "mm:ss" so it cannot be used for calculations. The session duration is a sum of all active time viewing, which means if a tab is backgrounded then it does not count in the session duration.


Count Sessions

Data Type: Count

Description:  The total number of sessions. A session is a viewing period by a visitor that uses the same short-lived cookie (1-hour).  

Items Per Session

Data Type: Calculated

Description:  This is an average of the number of Items page views duration a session.  This is a very important KPI for differentiating what were navigation pages versus content pages.  Items are not distinct so a refresh of a page will count as another item view.


Pages Per Session

Data Type: Calculated

Description:  This is an average of the number of URLs a user views during a session.  Pages are not counted as distinct so refreshing a page will count as another page view.  


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