CTAs: Forms (Analytics > Content)


General Info

What it is:

Form CTA content dimensions provide context to Form CTAs and helps distinguish them from one-another.

Includes these data points


  • CTA ID
  • Form CTA Label
  • Form CTA Position
  • Form CTA Tagline
  • Form CTA Tagline & Button
  • Form CTA Title
  • Form CTA Title & Link
  • Is Form CTA Deleted


Data available after

Always in sync with database


Leads generated from Form CTA submissions are one of the most important business oriented KPIs for marketers.  The details of those CTAs can illuminate what is working and what is not.

Google Analytics equivalent/comparable Requires custom dimensions and will not be in sync with the DB.


Data Type: Dimension

Description: The Unique identifier of a CTA.


Form CTA Label

Data Type: Dimension

Description: Text shown on the Form CTA's submission button.


Form CTA Position

Data Type: Dimension

Description: Where the CTA is included, which may be Gated, Show-beside, Stream or Embed.


Form CTA Tagline

Data Type: Dimension

DescriptionText shown on the CTA to give context.


Form CTA Tagline & Button

Data Type: Dimension

Description: A data cell styled to include both the CTA Tagline & button


Form CTA Title: 

Data Type: Dimension

Description: The internal title of a CTA.


Form CTA Title & Link

Data Type: Dimension

Description: A data cell that includes the CTA's title as well as a link to view the CTA in Uberflip.


Is Form CTA Deleted

Description: An indication if the CTA has been deleted.

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