General Info
What it is: |
Data points related to Uberflip Flipbook documents |
Includes these data points |
Data available after |
May 2020 (collection start date for Flipbook Downloads and Total Flipbook Document Page Views) |
Purpose |
Flipbooks require a specific set of metrics to understand as their level of engagement is tracked by visitors viewing multiple pages or by visitors downloading them for offline reading/circulation. |
Google Analytics equivalent/comparable |
None (Google Analytics custom event required) |
Total Flipbook Document Page Views
Data Type: Count
Description: A count of total pages within a Flipbook document.
Flipbook Downloads
Data Type: Count
Description: A count of how many times a Flipbook has been downloaded by visitors.
Avg. Flipbook Document Page Views
Data Type: Calculated
Description: An average of the amount of pages within Flipbook users have read.