Replace a Page in a Flipbook


If you spot a mistake or other problem with your Flipbook after uploading, you don't need to reupload the whole Flipbook - just replace the affected page(s) with the Page Replacement tool. Here's how.


Before You Begin

  • To use the Page Replacement tool, you need to be a member of the Account Admin, Content Manager or Developer/Designer user groups.
  • This tool allows you to replace any page in a Flipbook, but inserting or removing pages is not possible.
  • You'll need a one-page PDF file that consists only of the (corrected) page that you want to replace in the existing Flipbook.

Usage Policy

The Page Replacement tool is intended to be used to correct pages in an existing Flipbook, as uploading a new Flipbook will change the URL (which may already be shared) and costs an upload credit. 

However, this tool must not be used to replace all pages in an existing Flipbook. In this case, a new Flipbook should be uploaded instead. Uberflip reserves the right to disable this tool on accounts where it is being used outside its intended purpose.


Open the Page Replacement Tool

You can open the Page Replacement tool on any existing Flipbook.

  1. Log in to Uberflip and click on Flipbooks.
  2. Use the dropdown menu on the left under Select a Folder to Manage to choose the Folder which contains the Flipbook you want to work on.
  3. Inside the Folder view, click on the Flipbook to open its Flipbook Settings & Options screen.
  4. Under the Flipbook Options section near the bottom, find the Replace a Page button (under the Enhance column) and click on it to open the tool:
  5. The Page Replacement tool will open, and you can now choose and configure the page to be replaced.


Replace a Page with the Page Replacement Tool

Once the Page Replacement tool is open, you can choose the page to be replaced, the page you'll replace it with, and configure some additional options.

  1. With the Page Replacement Tool open, begin by making sure that the correct Flipbook is shown under the Select Flipbook section.
  2. Under the Replace a Page Within a Selected Flipbook section, begin by using the dropdown under Select Page to choose the page in the existing Flipbook that you want to replace:
    • If you have set a page offset on the Flipbook, you'll see the page numbers in the format absolute page number [relative page number]: for example, a page offset of +2 would show options like 1 [3] or 20 [22].
  3. Once you make a selection, a preview thumbnail of the page will appear under Page Preview (click to zoom). Use this to confirm you have the right page:
  4. Under Replacement Info, you'll see a counter showing how many pages have previously been replaced in this Flipbook (if any). This counter increments by one each time you use the tool on the same Flipbook.
  5. Under Upload PDF, click on Choose File to select the one-page PDF containing the replacement page.
    • Only the first page in the uploaded PDF will be used, so make sure that the PDF file consists of just one page (or that the page to be used is the first page for multi-page PDF files).
  6. Configure any options as desired:
    • Replace page's links: If checked, will delete any existing links on the page being replaced, and the Auto-Link Tool will be re-run on only this page to recreate any embedded and custom links (if previously configured). When enabled, requires the Update stored PDF option to also be checked as well.
    • Replace page's text: If checked, automatically extracted text from the page being replaced will be deleted, and replaced with text extracted from the new page. When enabled, requires the Update stored PDF option to also be checked as well.
    • Update stored PDF: If checked, updates the stored PDF version of the Flipbook as well, which is the PDF copy of the Flipbook that can be downloaded by users. Must be enabled if any of the other two options are checked.
  7. When you're ready to proceed, click on the Upload & Replace button to begin the replacement process.
    • During replacement, the Flipbook will show the status "Replacing Page", and will be temporarily inaccessible for users. This should be completed within a few seconds.
  8. Once the replacement process is complete, the Flipbook will display the new page in place of the old one when viewed.
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