After integrating with AddThis using the appropriate "RA" code, the Tool is still not appearing on my Hub.
- I've setup a Tool in AddThis and integrated my Hub with AddThis, but the Tool isn't appearing
- My Hub is integrated with AddThis, but I don't see any social share icons appearing
- In AddThis, I've created a social share Tool, but it is not appearing in my Hub
- I've created the "Floating" Tool in AddThis and activated it, but it is not showing up on the front-end of my Hub
- Where: AddThis Tools that are integrated natively through the Uberflip app
- Who: Front-end users are impacted where they do not see the social sharing icons
- When: The admin has added and activated a Tool in AddThis and integrated their account within the Uberflip app
- Could affect any up to date Browser and Operating System
Steps to Fix
- Ensure that you've integrated with the correct AddThis "RA" code in your Uberflip Hub
- If you haven't already, ensure a Tool has been created an activated in AddThis
- On the Tool setup in AddThis, ensure that certain URLs are not excluded. This is located in the "Advanced Options" of your Tool setup in AddThis
- If you've enabled the Tool, integrated AddThis with your Hub, and the social share icons are still not visible, remove the integration in Uberflip and re-add the "RA" code, then click "Save"
Additional Notes
The "Floating" Tool created in AddThis will work once the Tool is activated and the "RA" code is integrated in your Uberflip app. However, the "Inline" Tool will not work automatically. It will require an additional <div> tag to be added to the page where you want it to appear.
For example, it would look like this:
<div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div>