Enable the PDF File Viewer for a Folder


Want to display your PDF files in their original format, rather than as Flipbooks? Learn how to do this by enabling the PDF File Viewer option on your Folders.


Before You Begin

  • To enable the PDF File Viewer, you need to be an Account Admin or Content Manager.


About the PDF File Viewer

The PDF File Viewer allows you to display PDF files in your Hub in their original format, instead of displaying them as Flipbooks. As with other Flipbooks display options, the PDF File Viewer option is set at the Folder level, so selecting it will affect all PDF files within that Folder (i.e. you can't have both Flipbooks and PDF file content in the same Folder).

To learn more about the PDF File Viewer and how it differs from the Flipbooks, see this article:

The PDF File Viewer Explained


Enable the PDF File Viewer for a New Folder

  1. Log in to Uberflip. In the menu bar at the top, click on Flipbooks > Manage Flipbooks.
  2. Near the top right corner, click on +Create New Folder.
  3. In the menu that appears, choose either the From scratch or Duplicate from option, depending on your preference.
  4. The Create a New Folder page will appear. Near the top, use the dropdown under Reader Version to select Native PDF. Make sure to do this first, as changing the setting here will change the available options on the page.
  5. A confirmation prompt will appear. Click on Save.
  6. Finish setting up the Folder, e.g. enter a Folder Name and configure options as needed. When you're done, click on the Add Folder button at the bottom of the page to finish creating the new Folder.
  7. That's it! Any PDF files you add to this Folder will now be displayed within the PDF File Viewer.


Enable the PDF File Viewer for an Existing Folder

  1. Log in to Uberflip. In the menu bar at the top, click on Flipbooks > Manage Flipbooks.
  2. Under the Select a Folder to Manage dropdown, choose the Folder you want to enable the PDF File Viewer on.
  3. Click on the Edit button that now appears below the Select a Folder to Manage dropdown:Manage_Folder_-_Uberflip.png
  4. The Edit an Existing Folder page will appear. Near the top, use the dropdown under Reader Version to select Native PDF.
  5. A confirmation prompt will appear. Click on Save.
  6. Finally, click on the Save button near the bottom of the page to save your changes.
  7. That's it! Any PDF files that already existed in this Folder, as well as any that you add going forward, will now be displayed within the PDF File Viewer.
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