Can't sign up for an Uberflip Help account



Can't proceed when trying to register for an Uberflip help account.

  • Chrome: After clicking on the Sign Up button, an error is displayed: “ refused to connect.”
  • Safari: Nothing happens when clicking on the Sign up button
  • Firefox: After clicking on the Sign up button, the registration dialog box simply disappears
  • Edge: After clicking on the Sign up button, an error is displayed: "This content can't be shown in a frame."



  • Where: Uberflip Help registration dialog box (Click on Sign In > Sign up on Uberflip Help)
  • Error: "Cookies must be enabled in your browser to sign in. Click here to enable them."
  • Any browser
  • Any operating system



Uberflip Help runs on Zendesk, which requires a third-party cookie for signup or login. If this cookie can't be set, the signup/login functionality breaks. Most browsers can be configured to block third-party cookies, so this issue will usually occur when your browser is set up to do this.


Steps to Fix

To resolve the issue, you must configure your browser to accept (i.e. stop blocking) third-party cookies. Browser-specific instructions are below.

As an alternative, you may also use a different browser that is not set to block third-party cookies when you want to register or log in to Uberflip Helps.


In Chrome, you will need to disable the setting Block third-party cookies:


For instructions on where to find the cookie settings in Chrome, see this article from Google (under Change your cookie settings > Block cookies from other sites).


Additional Notes

  • Chrome is the browser most likely to be affected, because its setting for blocking third-party cookies is fairly aggressive (it blocks all third-party cookies by default). By comparison, Firefox defaults to blocking only tracker-related cookies, rather than all third-party cookies, so it is typically not affected:


  • Regardless of your cookie settings, Internet Explorer 11 appears to be unaffected by this issue.
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