Set up redirect rules to control what happens when a user lands on a broken link in your Hub.
About Redirect Rules
Redirect Rules define where a user lands if they navigate to a specified link. You can use these rules for anything in your account that has a URL: Streams, Author pages, Items and Flipbooks.
When you log in to your Uberflip account, you may notice a new option in the app menu: 'Redirect Rules'. Clicking this option will take you to a new management section of your Hub.
Clicking the Add Rule button allows you to create new redirect rules for Items in your Hub.
Create new Redirect Rules
To create a new redirect rule, you'll need the path of the "broken" link (i.e. the link that is not in use anymore), and the URL or link of the page you'd like users to see if they land on that broken link.
Step 1: Set the Source Path
The path is the part of the URL after your Hub's base URL:
- If your Hub uses a subdomain custom domain, the base URL is something like In a URL like, the path is /blog/post/
- If your Hub uses a subdirectory custom domain, the base URL is something like In a URL like, the path is also /blog/post/. Note that /hub/ is considered part of the base URL, not part of the path.
Enter the URL path in the '/path' box under the 'Source Path' heading.
Using the drop-down menu beside the '/path' box, you can specify if the path should match what's entered exactly, match a regular expression or start with what's entered.
Step 2: Update the Destination
In the box beside the drop down menu that says 'Path', enter the path you'd like the browser to redirect to.
Step 3: Choose Redirect Type
Use a permanent 301 redirect if you want search engines to index the new link in place of the old one.
Step 4 (optional):
Clicking the 'Show More Options' link will open up more choices under 'Source Path' and 'Destination'.
(1) Under 'Source Path', you'll be able to specify if you want the redirect to work if there's a trailing slash ( '/' ) at the end of the source URL.
(2) You can also include any parameters that should be matched to the URL, using the box under 'Match specific parameters after the "?"'.
(3) For the destination, you can specify if parameters from the source path (ie. the broken URL or link) should be added to the destination URL by checking the 'Append parameters from source path'.
(4) If you need to add parameters to the destination link, list them in the box under the 'Add parameters after the "?"'.
Hit Save when you're done to save your rule.
Set rule priority (optional)
With Redirect Rules, you can to set multiple rules on a source path that trigger before or after others. This is useful when you're creating rules for a path but you also want different rules for some of the destination URLs at the end of that path.
If you have more than one rule set for the same URL source path, you can choose the priority for the rules to trigger. When any rule is successfully executed, no further rules will trigger.
Note: If no priority is chosen, rules for the same path will trigger in the order they appear in the list.
Set rule priority:
From the Redirect Rules list page, you can edit the number under the "Priority" column for each rule by clicking it.
Keep in mind, number 1 will trigger first, then 2, and so on.