Remote Authentication: AuthenticateRemoteUser API Method (Avoid Double Login)


If you have your own database, along with a website that your clients already login to, you can use Folder Remote Authentication along with the API method AuthenticateRemoteUser to avoid forcing your users to login for a second time to view your content hosted with us.

Using Remote Authentication with the API method 'AuthenticateRemoteUser' will allow you to manage your own payment/subscriber database and integrate your Flipbooks into your website presence.


Step 1:  Setup Remote Authentication for Your Folder

Click Here for Article on Remote Authentication

This is a requirement, because we must take into account folks that may try to access the Flipbook or Folder link outside of the secure website area, in which we would display our login challenge.

That needs a custom script built that will take username/password posted from our system, and compare to your remote database, then return a value to our system indicating success or failure, to allow/block access.

See diagram below:



Step 2: Use the AuthenticateRemoteUser method to call our system to obtain a token

Click Here for the article on AuthenticateRemoteUser API Method

This method will return a token from our system that must be appended to your Flipbook or Folder links on your secure page, and that token appended link will bypass the second login (our Application).

An example method call could be:
Example Method Call - Authenticate Remote User - 2014-06-02.png

(xxxxx is where you would need to plug in your API Key, Signature, and TitleID/FolderID)


That method will return an XML response (or JSON if chosen) that contains a token. You must parse that XML response (or JSON) and add the token to the end of a Flipbook or Folder URL that is on that secure webpage using ?token=xxxxx



You can dynamically build these token appended links whenever the secure page loads OR

Recommended:  Obtain and append the token on link click instead to reduce the number of API calls

See diagram below:

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