Learn how to interpret the Visitor Insights dashboard in your Hub.
Before You Begin
- There are no restrictions on viewing a Hub's Visitor Insights dashboard — anyone can do this.
What is the Visitor Insights Dashboard?
When you integrate your Hub with Bombora, this will unlock the Visitor Insights dashboard. You can find it under Dashboards > Visitor Insights in your Hub menu.
Bombora collects data about your visitors across both your Hub and other websites, which is then presented in an easily digested dashboard format on your Hub. The dashboard displays a combination of intent, demographic, and firmographic data:
- Intent Data
- Data Bombora has collected about a web user's online behavior. When a user searches for a particular topic, or consumes content related to it, it indicates an interest in that topic. Factoring in the user's context (i.e data about the user themselves, i.e. their demographic and firmographic data) makes it possible to predict their intent to take action in relation to the topic, i.e. buying a product.
- Demographic Data
- Data relating to a who a user is. In this context, the term specifically refers to segmenting users based on their department and job function.
- Firmographic Data
- Data about a web user's organization, such as company size, revenue, and industry.
This data is tailored to your Hub, so it can help you to gain a better understanding of who your visitors are, and what they're interested in. This puts you in a better position to create content experiences that speak to your visitors and increase their engagement with your business.
Using the Visitor Insights Dashboard: The Basics
The Visitor Insights dashboard consists of two major sections, the radar chart and the insights:
All of the data shown on the dashboard, in both the radar chart and the insights, is controlled by the date range filters shown across the top of the dashboard:
As the most recent data is the most relevant in this context, these filters represent a rolling date range relative to the current date. By default, the data displayed will be fore the current calendar month (this month), but you can also expand the range to the previous month, the previous three months, or the previous 6 months, by clicking on the corresponding options.
Note that month in each of these options refers to calendar months. For example, if today is December 18th:
- This Month: Dec. 1 - Dec. 17
- Last Month: Nov. 1 - Nov. 30
- Previous 3 Months: Sept. 1 - Nov 30
- Previous 6 Months: June 1 - Nov. 30
Reading the Radar Chart
Intent Topics
The radar chart consists of radiating spokes, each of which is labeled with an intent topic. Bombora automatically generates the radar chart using the intent topics it has identified as being most relevant to your Hub:
Keep in mind that "relevant" does not necessarily mean that these topics are supposed to represent the major focus areas of your Hub! The chart reflects both topics that your Hub has content about and topics that attracted visitors to your Hub. This means that topics might appear here that are outside your usual scope, and for which you don't currently have any content. However, as visitors came to your Hub because of an interest in these topics, they can suggest opportunities for content development.
Topic Metrics
The colored polygons radiating from the hub of the intent topic spokes represent different metrics related to the intent topics:
The metrics represented on the chart are:
- Items Receiving Traffic (Blue): Identifies topics which are driving traffic to your content. The further the polygon extends along a spoke, the more traffic content related to that topic generated.
- Newly Created Items (Yellow): Identifies topics for which you have created applicable content within the selected timeframe. The further the polygon extends along a spoke, the more content was created related to that topic.
- Visitors (Pink): Identifies topics your visitors are most interested in, independent of your Hub content. The further the polygon extends along a spoke, the more interest visitors have expressed in that topic based on their web behavior in general.
You can display or hide any metric on the chart by clicking on its checkbox in the filters shown below the chart:
In addition, hovering your mouse over a metric's polygon at a spot where it does not overlap with another polygon will highlight it, making it easier to see:
Interpreting the Chart
By default, the three polygons are overlaid on top of one another. This allows you to compare them, and provides insights into how well your content is aligned with your audience's interests.
For example, take a look at the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) spoke for a given month in our example chart from Uberflip's Resource Hub:
We can see that the blue polygon and the yellow polygon both extend about the same distance along the spoke, but the pink polygon goes much further. First, let's analyze what each of these means:
- Blue represents topics that are receiving a lot of traffic, so we can see that we're generating a moderate amount of traffic to content about ABM
- Yellow represents newly created content for a topic, so we can see that, compared to other topics, we created a relatively small amount of new content about ABM in the month shown
- Pink represents topics that visitors are interested in, so we can see that the Hub is attracting a lot of visitors who are interested in ABM
So what conclusions can we draw from this? Clearly, visitors to our Hub were very interested in ABM. However, we didn't drive as much traffic to our relevant content as we might have expected, so we may not have promoted it sufficiently. We also didn't create much new content about ABM during this period, so this was likely a factor that affected discoverability. Based on these insights, our marketing team can now work to improve the promotion and targeting of our existing content about ABM, or work to create new content to meet this obvious audience interest.
Understanding the Insights
Below the radar chart, you'll find a series of six tables:
These tables display the top five intent topics and demographic and firmographic segments for visitors during the selected timeframe. The categories represented on these tables are:
- Top Visitor Topics: The intent topics that visitors were most interested in
- Top Functional Areas: The most-represented business areas among visitors
- Top Professional Groups: If identifiable, the most-represented professional groupings of visitors
- Top Company Size: The most-represented organizational size segments among visitors
- Top Company Revenue: The most-represented revenue segments among visitors
- Top Industries: The most-represented industry segments among visitors
For each of the top five items in each category, you can see its percentage share of the overall total. You can also compare these percentages as a bar chart by simply hovering your mouse over the table:
These insights are helpful for analyzing whether your audience corresponds to the market segments you are targeting with your content strategy. Since these metrics represent actual visitors to your Hub, they can also sometimes offer suggestions as to segments that you're not actively targeting, but which may be worth your attention based on organic interest.