Add, Remove and Customize Form Fields on Form CTAs


Learn how to customize the form fields on a Form CTA.


Before You Begin

  • Form fields are a feature that can be configured on Form CTAs. To learn more about Form CTAs and how to set them up, see this article.


About Customizing Form Fields

Form CTAs are basically forms: they consist of individual form fields that each collect a specific piece of information. As with any type of form, a big part of setting up a Form CTA is choosing what kind of information you want to collect and designing your form fields accordingly. On a Form CTA, you can customize your form fields in the following ways:

  • Add and remove form fields
  • Modify previously added form fields
  • Rearrange the display order of form fields
  • Rename form field labels
  • Specify the target fields (see note) to record data in the connected Marketing Automation Platform (MAP)
  • Select the type of form field (text, checkbox, etc.)
  • Choose whether a form field is optional or mandatory
  • Set up conditional and "Label Only" form fields

Note: Marketo Fields

You can use the following Marketo field types with Form CTAs:

  • Lead Info (such as First Name, Last Name, Email)
  • Company Info
  • Text & Numeric

These Marketo field types are not supported:

  • Opportunity Info
  • Date

Marketo does not directly support the concept of dropdown fields. To work around this, you can use a text field in Marketo and make the corresponding Form CTA field a Select (Drop Down) field.


Manage Form Fields

To begin customizing form fields on a Form CTA, you'll need to open the Manage Fields menu.

  1. Navigate to the Form CTA on which you want to customize the form fields and click on it to open the Form CTA Editor.
  2. In the Editor, click on the Layout tab.
  3. Look for the Form Fields section and click on the Manage link:
  4. The Manage Fields menu will open as an overlay, and you can now begin customizing the form fields on the selected Form CTA.


Rearrange Form Fields

Within the Form CTA, form fields are ordered vertically, one field per line. You can modify the order in which these fields appear within the Form CTA:

  1. In the Manage Fields menu, you will see a list of Existing Fields. The order in which the fields appear here is how they will appear in the Form CTA shown to visitors:
  2. To reorder the fields, simply click and hold on a field you want to move, then drag it to where you want it to appear in the list.
  3. The new order will be saved automatically and applied immediately.


Add Form Fields

You can add as many form fields as you like (though if you plan to add more than four or five fields, we recommend using Progressive Profiling to optimize the effectiveness of your Form CTA). Each new form field you add must be linked to an existing field in the Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) connected to the CTA. This MAP field is where information entered into the form field will be recorded.

Note: Oracle Eloqua Form Fields

When a Form CTA is connected to Oracle Eloqua, it integrates directly with an Eloqua Form. As a result:

  • All available fields on the Eloqua Form will automatically be added to the Form CTA
  • Only fields already configured on the Eloqua Form will be available to add to the Form CTA. To add further form fields, you must first add them to the Eloqua Form (in Eloqua).
  1. In the Manage Fields menu, click on the +Add New button in the top right.
  2. The Add New Field menu will appear. Begin by using the Search field to identify the corresponding field in your MAP. Fields matching your search term will be auto-suggested (the screenshot below shows what this looks like for a HubSpot Form CTA, but the interface is the same for all MAPs):
  3. Once you find the field you want, click on it, then click Apply. The API Name and Field Label will be automatically filled in based on your selection:
  4. If you want to modify the field label as it appears on the Form CTA, simply modify it in the text box provided.
  5. Under Field type, use the dropdown menu to choose what kind of form field you want to use. See the reference guide below for more information about the available types.
  6. If you choose the Text or Select (Drop Down) form field types, check the box next to Required below if you want to make the form field mandatory.
  7. Under Displays, you can configure if you want to make this form field conditional (if available). For information about using this feature, see this article.
  8. When you are finished, click on Save. You'll be returned to the main Manage Fields menu, where your new field will now be listed:
  9. The new form field will also appear under the Form Fields section in the Form CTA Editor, but it will be unchecked by default. To add a newly added form field to your CTA, you must check its box here first:
  10. Your changes will be saved automatically and applied immediately.

Reference: Field Types

There are five field types you can choose from:

Text Select (Drop Down) Checkbox Hidden Label Only

The default option. Presents the form field as a simple text-entry box:



Edit and Remove Form Fields

In addition to simply hiding them from your Form CTA, you can modify or delete existing form fields at any time.

  1. In the Manage Fields menu, find the field you want to modify or delete.
  2. To modify it, click on its pencil icon:
  3. This will open the current configuration of the form field, similar to when you created it.
  4. To delete a form field, click on the x icon:
  5. You'll be prompted to confirm whether you really want to delete the form field. Click on OK, and it will be removed immediately.
  6. As always, your changes will be saved automatically and will take effect right away.
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