Flipbook Editor: Add & Edit Links


Learn how to manually add links to your Flipbooks with the Flipbook Editor.


Before You Begin

  • To use the Flipbook Editor, you need to be an Account Admin or Content Manager.
  • To learn about the Flipbook Editor and how to access it, see this article first.


About the Link Tool

The Flipbook Auto-Link Tool can create many types of links in your Flipbooks automatically. But if you want to add a link manually, or edit one, you can use the Flipbook Editor's Link Tool. The Link Tools also allows you to create links that aren't text-based (such as buttons or images), which the Auto-Link tool can't create. Plus, you can even create internal links between different parts of your Flipbook, such as linking from the cover to a specific page (e.g. in magazines)


Add Internal & External Links to a Flipbook

  1. Open up the Flipbook page editor for the Flipbook you want to work on.
  2. In the Tools Menu on the right, click on the Links tab.


  3. In the Flipbook viewer window on the left, click and drag the widget layout tool to position it over the content you want to link, then use the handles to adjust the size:

  4. In the tools configuration menu in the right sidebar, choose where you want the link to go with the Link Type dropdown:
    • To page allows you to link to a page within the same Flipbook. If you choose this option, use the page picker dropdown/arrows under Destination Page to choose the page to link to:

    • Website/Email allows you to link to an external website or email. If you choose this option, use the Destination URL field to type in the destination for the link. Click on the website or email option underneath as appropriate to adjust the type of link.

  5. Use the Style dropdown to choose the appearance of the link:
    • Highlight will highlight the link always.
    • Highlight on Mouseover will highlight the link only when touched by the mouse cursor.
    • Underline: blue/green/red will place a colored line beneath the link.
  6. Use the Hover Tip field to display a tooltip when a reader hovers their mouse cursor on the link: just type the desired text into the field. If you don't want to do this, leave the field blank.
  7. If you are creating an external link (website, email), use the Target dropdown to choose how the link will open when clicked:
    • New window opens the link in a new browser window or tab.
    • Same window opens the link in the same browser window or tab as the Flipbook.
    • iFrame popup opens the link in a popup window over the Flipbook. There are two options: one which works on desktops only, and one which works on desktops and tablets. If you choose one of these options, you must also set the size of the window:

    • Hidden (utility) opens the link in a hidden frame. This is used for email address links (and is the default for that type), because those open in the reader's email client.
    • Widget iFrame is a legacy option that opens the link in the Flipbook Folder Widget, a feature that appear in the Flash Flipbook Viewer only. Since Flash support is ending, this feature is deprecated (and can't be used if you are using the HTML5 Flipbook Viewer, which we recommend).
  8. Under Activation, make sure link is active is checked, then click on the Add Link button to create your link:

  9. Your link will be saved, and the change will be applied to the Flipbook immediately.


Modify Existing Links in a Flipbook

The Link Tool can also be used to modify previously created links, both those created manually (with the Link Tool), and those created via Auto-Link.

  1. Open up the Flipbook page editor for the Flipbook you want to work on.
  2. Navigate to the Flipbook page that contains the link you want to modify, and click on the link:

  3. The sidebar menu on the right will automatically switch to the Link Tool tab, and will display the current settings for the link you clicked on:

  4. Make any changes as necessary, then click on Save. Alternatively, you can remove this link by clicking on Delete.
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