To upload a PDF as a Flipbook, it needs to be in single-page format. If your PDF is formatted as a double-page spread, it won't be displayed correctly, so you'll need to crop it first.
Before You Begin
- To crop a double-page spread PDF to single-page, you will need Adobe Acrobat.
Crop a Double-Page Spread PDF
If your PDF has any pages formatted as a double-page spread, it won't work with Flipbooks. To fix this, you'll need to crop all double-pages to two separate single pages of the same size, like this:
Double-page spread:
Cropped to two single pages:
To crop the PDF you can use any tool you like, but we recommend using Adobe Acrobat. You can find instructions on how to crop PDF pages with Adobe Acrobat here:
If the entire PDF is formatted with double-page spreads, you can follow this process:
- Apply the left-hand crop to all pages, and save a "left-side only" copy of the PDF.
- Apply the right-hand crop to all pages, and save a "right-side only" copy of the PDF.
- Merge the left-side and right-side copies, placing the pages into the correct order. You can find instructions on how to do that with Adobe Acrobat here: