How to automatically create links in a Flipbook using Digital Object Identifiers.
Before you Begin
- To use this tool, you need to be an Account Admin or Content Manager.
- This tool will not work on image-based text, so you should always use embedded fonts in your PDFs if you want to use the Auto-Link Tool.
About Auto-Linking Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
The Auto-Link tool can automatically create hyperlinks in Flipbooks on any string of text you want (such as keywords, URLs or emails). Many scientific journals contain Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), a standard format for referencing scientific articles stores in a central database. If your Flipbooks contain DOIs, you can use the Auto-Link Tool to find and link to the corresponding articles using a custom regular expression.
Create the Auto-Link Job
- Log in to your Uberflip account and click on Flipbooks in the menu bar at the top.
- Use the dropdown to select the folder with the Flipbook you want to use the Auto-Link tool on.
- Click on the Flipbook to see more options. Under the Flipbook Options section, click on New Auto-Link Job.
- On the next page, use the dropdown under Job Type to select Regular Expression.
- More fields will appear. Under Job Name, type in a name to help you identify the CSV job.
- Under Search for (Regular expression), type in: 10.\d{4}/\S+
- Under Replace With (link), type in:
- First box:
- Second box: 10.\d{4}/\S+
- Under Hovertip, use the text field to type in a tooltip that will appear on hovering the mouse over the link. If left blank, the tooltip will display the linked URL.
- Click on Create Job, and you will be taken to the Manage Auto Link Jobs & Tasks page to review the job.
Manage Auto-Links
- Your CSV Job will contain a Task for each line in your CSV file, and each Task will contain one link.
- Click on a Task to see the links created by that Task. From here, you can choose to enable, disable or delete the link.
- If you want, you can also delete the entire Job from the Manage Auto Link Jobs & Tasks page.