Automatically Create Links From a CSV File


How to automatically create links in a Flipbook using a CSV file.


Before you Begin

  • To use this tool, you need to be an Account Admin or Content Manager.
  • This tool will not work on image-based text, so you should always use embedded fonts in your PDFs if you want to use the Auto-Link Tool.


Create the CSV File

The Auto-Link tool can automatically create hyperlinks in Flipbooks on any string of text you want (such as keywords, URLs or emails). You can create these in bulk using a CSV or comma-separated values file. The easiest way to create a CSV file is to create a spreadsheet in Excel and save it as .csv.

Your CSV file must:

  • Consist of three columns. These are (left to right):
    • The text string to be linked
    • The URL that the link will point to
    • A tooltip that will appear on hovering over the link (optional)
  • Have no header row (the first show must be data). From left to right, the three columns are:
  • Be in CSV (comma-delimited) format

Any text in the Flipbook that matches the text string in the first (leftmost) column will automatically be linked using the URL in the second (middle) column. If you specified a tooltip text, this will be displayed on that link on hover.

Here is an example CSV file:


Column A has the text to be linked, B has the URL, and C has the tooltip text. With this CSV file, the Auto-Link Tool would find all instances of "Uberflip" in a Flipbook and create a link to, with the tooltip "Visit the Uberflip Website" when a user hovers on the link.


Create the Auto-Link Job

  1. Log in to your Uberflip account and click on Flipbooks in the menu bar at the top.
  2. Use the dropdown to select the folder with the Flipbook you want to use the Auto-Link tool on.
  3. Click on the Flipbook to see more options. Under the Flipbook Options section, click on New Auto-Link Job.

  4. On the next page, use the dropdown under Job Type to select CSV File.
  5. More fields will appear. Under Job Name, type in a name to help you identify the CSV job.
  6. Under Upload CSV, click on Browse and choose the CSV file you created.
  7. Under The first column of the CSV is:, choose Search text.
  8. Click on Create Job, and you will be taken to the Manage Auto Link Jobs & Tasks page to review the job.


Manage Auto-Links

  1. Your CSV Job will contain a Task for each line in your CSV file, and each Task will contain one link.
  2. Click on a Task to see the links created by that Task. From here, you can choose to enable, disable or delete the link.
  3. If you want, you can also delete the entire Job from the Manage Auto Link Jobs & Tasks page.
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