Learn how to create a great user experience for your visitors when they interact with your Flipbooks.
Before you Begin
- To change some of the settings mentioned in this article, you need to be an Account Admin or Content Manager.
Create a Template Branding Folder
Before uploading any assets, we recommend creating a "Template Branding" Folder that has your default settings setup. You are looking for the Folder to have the correct brand colors (the bar along the top of the Flipbook and background color), have the correct toolbar options (is it downloadable?, etc.), and be setup as a one or two-page display.
In your "Template Branding" Folder, you should set up the following:
- Flipbook Options: Decide whether you want your users to be able to print, expand fullscreen, share via email, share via social, and download the original PDF. Determine whether the Flipbooks should be displayed in a one-page view or two-page "book" style (one-page view is recommended for landscape assets or presentations).
- Appearance: Choose your banner and background color. We recommend keeping the background color neutral and not uploading a background image as this can distract from the Flipbook.
- Favicon: Upload a Favicon logo to your folder. This will add a logo to the banner of your Flipbook (when in fullscreen). It will also add a Favicon to the browser tab when viewing the Flipbook at the standalone URL.
You will let be able to use this "Template Branding" folder as a template by cloning it when creating the rest of your Folders. We recommend that you create a Flipbook Folder for each type of PDF asset that you have. For example, you could create four folders for: Case Studies, White Papers, eBooks, Data Sheets, etc.
Best Practices for Uploading PDFs
- As you upload PDFs, update the name at the same time. This will save you time down the road. Ideally, the file names are finalized before even being imported. For example, the PDF should be named 'The Ultimate Guide to Content Experience' instead of uberflip_guide_content_experience-versionDec2018. A few additional naming tips:
- Asset names are public facing and user-friendly - they should not use any internal codes or wording
- Remove any hyphens or underscores
- You likely will want to exclude your company name from the PDF asset as well (as it will be in your Hub)
- You can customize the download name of the asset. We see a lot of companies add their name to the download name, which is the filename when the file is actually downloaded rather than viewed in the Hub.
- You can override the Folder settings for specific Flipbooks. For example, with some Flipbooks it might make sense to change the display style from two-page to one-page.
Best Practices for Flipbooks on Your Hub
- Add a description to the body of the Flipbook. Summarize what it's about and why the reader would want to read it.
- Add a short "Meta description" to each Flipbook. This will be displayed on the Item Tile, and will help give readers an idea of what's in the Flipbook at a glance.
- Choose thumbnails: You'll need to decide whether to use the taller "cover" of the asset as the thumbnail for the Item, or to use an "image library" image instead.
That's it! Follow these tips and best practices and you will be well on your way to creating an incredible user experience for your visitors to your Flipbook content.